SIGOMA chair calls on MPs to take a stand for fairer funding
Posted on February 24, 2020
Sir Stephen Houghton, chairman of SIGOMA and leader of Barnsley Council said “The stakes are too high for party politics. We want every MP of whatever political persuasion to be clear what has happened in their local service funding over the last decade and support them in taking a stand against being further disadvantaged. We are offering to meet MPs and Ministers to make our case”.
“We have written to all the 141 MPs who represent SIGOMA authorities and set out the cuts to the council they represent. Our member authorities now have £5.3 billion less every year to fund vital services that millions of residents rely on".
“The new chancellor previously said that he thought that councils had ‘shouldered a disproportionate share of the burden’ when it came to deficit reduction. I am sure it will come as no surprise to him that we absolutely agree with this statement”.
“Cuts to local government have been severe but have disproportionately fallen on urban authorities – for every £1 reduction in core spending power for the rest of England; our members have lost £1.33”.
“In the upcoming Fair Funding Review, Government must ensure that deprivation has a proper consideration in the formula. We call on all MPs to take a stand for fairer funding.”
For further information contact SigomaEnquiries@barnsley.gov.uk